Whole Life Insurance

Leaving a Legacy vs Retirement Income: How Whole Life Insurance Solves Both

2018-12-06T20:22:19+00:00By |

Traditionally life insurance has been used to solve estate tax and business succession issues for the wealthy. This article addresses the non-traditional uses for permanent life insurance. Most people see insurance as a cost, not as a tool to help them with their success. Not a place to put money into for its value. Yet,

Whole Life Insurance: ‘The Investment Bomb Shelter for Scary Times’

2018-10-24T17:34:35+00:00By |

DATELINE: WASHINGTON Jan. 28 WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- During one of the most unsettled periods in recent financial history, author and investment guru John E. Girouard ( http://www.johngirouard.com/ ) is warning people to think twice before moving their money into bank CDs and money market funds. He says the ultimate bomb shelter during scary

Mutual Respect – Forbes magazine article

2018-10-15T16:33:30+00:00By |

In years past, companies such as Prudential, Met life and The Hartford became public companies, while carriers such as Mass Mutual, Northwestern Mutual and New York Life remained as Mutual Companies. This 2008 article from Forbes documents the Mutual companies that chose to stay Mutual and have done very well compared to their publicly traded

EABR: Using Life Insurance to Prepare for Chronic Illness

2018-10-15T16:26:26+00:00By |

This article documents the new types of riders being created as part of life insurance policies, that allow the policy to be used to help pay for the healthcare needs of the insured. These new riders will provide access to part of the death benefit of a policy while the insured is alive, to pay

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